Patent Home: The New LoTempio Youtube Page

Patent Home: The New LoTempio Youtube Page So you have a question about Patent Law, but you’re not sure where to start. Patent Home, the newly refaced Vincent LoTempio YouTube page allows you to easily access the knowledge of an established patent attorney. Vincent has always had a passion for creating user friendly videos to […]

New first-to-file patent rules

The new rules are now official and a first to file system has now been implemented by United States Patent and Trademark Office. This first-to-file is pretty much governed under the 35 USC 102(a) and the exceptions under 35 USC (b). Simply speaking 102(a)(1) – has to do with publications and 102(a)(2) – talks about the […]

LXBN TV interview: Shield Act To Kill Patent Trolls

Colin O'Keefe

Recently I was interviewed by Colin O’Keefe of LXBN TV about the push in Congress and the Senate by bipartisan representatives to punish patent trolls. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) and Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) announced the proposed legislation named the Shield Act, which would make the “patent troll” that brings a patent infringement lawsuit liable for both sides’ legal fees should they lose. The Shield Act is an […]

SHIELD Act introduced to punish losing Patent Trolls

It’s pretty apparent that nobody likes patent trolls except for the attorneys that represent them. I think the biggest problem with nonpracticing entities (NPE’s) is that they sue on cases that are not true infringement cases.   At first blush this may seem unreasonable because why would you sue a case if you didn’t think […]

Kodak, Patents, and the Buffalo Bills

Guest Blogger: David Stephenson, Rochester, NY patent attorney As a Buffalo Bills fan from Rochester, I was recently thinking about the parallels between the Bills and Eastman Kodak. Both have been in the local news lately, and the news has not been good. The Bills, once again, don’t look like a playoff team; they lack […]

New Patents: School just ain’t the same!!!

So it has been almost a month since the kids have returned back to school. I bet right about now you were wishing there was something that could possibly make the daily grind of school a little bit easier (for yourself and for your child). Not to fear…some new patents are here!!! The first new […]

Inventors Hall of Fame: Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell Born: March 3, 1847, Died: August 2 1922 Telephone/Telegraphy Patent No. 174, 465 Inducted to National Inventors Hall of Fame™ in 1973 Alexander Graham Bell’s invention of the telephone grew out of his research into ways to improve the telegraph. On April 6, 1875, Bell was granted the patent for the multiple […]