Patent FAQ Videos

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[themify_icon icon=”fa-quote-left” style=”large” icon_color=”#000000″ ]I came to Mr. Lo Tempio four years ago to patent a game board I was working on. With his help and guidance I not only was able to copyright and patent the product. He also guided me various resources where I was able to create a business plan. I have now not only launched the product and created a brand for the company but have been working with larger distributors such as Walmart and Toy’s R Us. I could not have done it without the help of Vincent Lo Tempio. He is truly a family man and a good person.[themify_icon icon=”fa-quote-right” style=”large” icon_color=”#000000″ ]
– Juliana
Learn how to protect and profit from your idea while I answer FAQ’s on every step of the inventing process.