LXBN TV interview: Shield Act To Kill Patent Trolls

Recently I was interviewed by Colin O’Keefe of LXBN TV about the push in Congress and the Senate by bipartisan representatives to punish patent trolls.

Peter DeFazio (D-OR) and Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) announced the proposed legislation named the Shield Act, which would make the “patent troll” that brings a patent infringement lawsuit liable for both sides’ legal fees should they lose.

The Shield Act is an acronym for:Saving High-tech Innovators from Egregious Legal Disputes.

It appears that many people are jumping on the “we hate the patent trolls” bandwagon and there’s even a  Shieldact website trying to get the American people to pressure their representatives to push this into law.

In fact the Shield Act web site offers many different opportunities to spread awareness to support the bill.

This checklist is posted on the website

Here are three simple ways you can help:

  1. Email your contacts the link to this page on EMPact America’s web site: https://www.empactamerica.org/popvox.php
  2. Email your contacts this link, which sends them directly to the page for H.R. 668 on the Pop Vox web site: https://www.popvox.com/bills/us/112/hr668
  3. Add a small button / badge to your web site, using this code: <script src=”https://www.popvox.com/widgets/js/bill.js?bill=112/hr668&title=1″>

I tried to post that widget on this website but it just wouldn’t go in nicely. First it deleted everything underneath it when I put in the middle of the post. And then I attempted to put it on the bottom of the page and it wouldn’t take.

In any event, the biggest question I have is “if this act were to be made a law would the courts follow it and make the losing patent troll pay all attorneys costs?” I would like to see the first case follow the law.

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