Command Amazon’s Alexa without Wake Words?

Alexa, play Despacito. This is just one of the many commands that Amazon’s Alexa app and Echo devices are capable of. The speech processing and command device has various features such as communicating with other electronic devices. But to communicate with Alexa, you usually have to say a “wake word.” But Amazon recently filed a […]

Interview with Jeffrey Peter Dickash

This week, Vince LoTempio had a chance to sit down and interview Jeffery Peter Dickash, an artist from New York City. With a passionate outlook to match his vibrant artwork, Jeffrey gave us insight what being a start up is like. Here’s how it went:   What is your business name? Artwork by​ Jeffrey Peter. […]

Interview with Brian Bischoff Founder of SmartPrint3D

Smart print 3D

Buffalo-based SmartPrint3D is an innovative start-up utilizing cutting-edge 3d printing technology for rapid prototyping as well as product development and design. Vince LoTempio recently had the opportunity to interview SmartPrint3D founder Brian Bischoff. Brian has an impressive background – he has worked as a product developer and engineer for several of Western New York’s most prominent technology companies. […]

4 forms of IP protection available for start ups

Start ups have a lot of things to consider when they’re trying to get their business off the ground. Acquiring financing and funding are undoubtedly important. But sometimes, getting adequate intellectual property protection can also be just as crucial. But what forms of intellectual property are available? Generally there are four categories of intellectual property […]

ARTPARTNERING Program Brings New Exhibit to LoTempio Law

university heights art association

A few months ago, we sat down with our clients Mary Ouimette-Kinney and Larry Kinney of the University Heights Arts Association to learn more about their programs and their experience as an arts organization trying to expand their reach within the community, while also protecting their intellectual property interests. The University Heights Arts Association (UHAA) […]

Trump’s tariffs and IP

Trump, Trump, Trump. Not a moment has gone by without President Trump making headlines.  With only a little over a year into his presidency, Trump has been causing shock waves that reverberate throughout the United States. However, the latest presidential plans for trade has shook the entire world. The president’s latest acts and plans. The […]

ARTPARTNERING Program Joins Forces with Local Businesses, Including LoTempio Law

We sat down with our clients Mary Ouimette-Kinney and Larry Kinney of the University Heights Arts Association to learn more about their programs, and their experience as an arts organization trying to expand their reach within the community, while also protecting their intellectual property interests. Tell us about your business and program.  How did your […]

Donald Trump, China, and IP Theft: What’s the Deal?

Thomas Mann was spot on when he said, “everything is politics,” because “everything” includes IP theft. Over the past year, you may have noticed a rise in articles discussing intellectual property (“IP”) in the political world. President Donald Trump seems to be targeting China, but very few understand the meaning behind the recent commotion. On […]

Patents and Kickstarter: One Man’s Journey

Every great invention starts with a problem. For Ryan Ferris, that problem came in the form of the pesky mess left behind after trimming trees and shrubs. How could landscapers make their clean up job easier? How could homeowners maintain their own landscapes without the added stress of clean up? With those questions, the Sectional […]

Enter Now! Mother’s Day Giveaway featuring Patent Client, Kae and Cami!

It’s always exciting to see the success of our clients as they continue to grow their brand! In October 2016, LoTempio Law introduced Debbie Sullivan of Kae and Cami. Debbie invented a magnetic accessory which includes design hearts and interchangeable attachments. These attachments can be worn with a variety of apparel including scarves, T-shirts, beach wraps, pashminas, […]