Happy Thanksgiving From LoTempio Law!
Extending our appreciation to our intellectual property clients this Thanksgiving season and always. In honor of Thanksgiving, our team at LoTempio Law has come up with a list of 3 inventions that we are grateful for this Thanksgiving. In no particular order, and among many other inventions out there, here are some inventions and inventors […]
You & the Law radio series on NPR

This morning I went down to the studios of WBFO 88.7 radio station to record the next installment of the You & the Law radio series. This program is featured on NPR’s “All Things Considered” and will air on Friday, November 8 at 5:45 p.m. My interview host Mike Desmond met me at the radio […]
A Bite of the “Apple” — Patents give a taste of what’s next

The release of the new iPhone 5 today is not the end for Apple. Apple’s patent portfolio is extremely extensive. Since the iPhone’s initial release in 2007, more than 1,200 patent applications have been filed by Apple. (As a side note, Samsung which is Apple’s biggest competition has filed 4,000 patents since its release of […]
Is Facebook an Abstract Idea? Watch the Movie

Today is Christopher Columbus Day and if you remember he invented America. No that’s not right… he discovered America. Of course he thought he landed in India and we’ve been mistakenly calling Native Americans Indians ever since and today we celebrate his mistake. It used to be you would plant a flag into the ground […]