Top Patent, Trademark, and IP Stories from Last Week (6/10-6/16/19)

Patent Trademark News

Every week, we will be highlighting the top patent, copyright, trademark, intellectual property, etc. stories of the previous week in our “In Case You Missed It” segment. The list itself is in no particular order and includes a wide range of stories from the patent world that are informative, noteworthy, or just plain bizarre. The […]

Top Patent, Trademark, and IP Stories from Last Week (1/21-1/27/19)

patent news

ICYMI: The Top Patent, Trademark, and IP Stories from Last Week (January 21st-27th, 2019) Every week, we will be highlighting the top patent, copyright, trademark, intellectual property, etc. stories of the previous week in our “In Case You Missed It” segment. The list itself is in no particular order and includes a wide range of […]

The America Invents Act Handbook: A Guide to the Patent Law Reform of 2011

The landscape of American Patent law saw some major changes with the passage of the America Invents Act (AIA). In her newest book The America Invents Act Handbook: A Guide to the Patent Law Reform of 2011, Author and Patent Attorney,  Dr. Mary Anthony Merchant condenses the seemingly overwhelming changes into an easily understandable format. […]

Patent Invalidation: The Early Bird Gets the Worm

Inventors and manufacturers often hit a roadblock called a patent. A question often asked to a patent attorney is “how can I get a patent invalidated or have a pending patent application rejected by the examiner?” With the enactment of the America Invents Act (AIA) the message to parties looking to invalidate a patent or […]

Inventors pay for patent reform

Since the track-1 program for prioritized examination for patent applications was implemented on September 26, 2011 when president Obama signed the “American Invents Act” into law, approximately 4528 requests for prioritized examination have been made. Recently a client of mine wished to request a prioritized examination at the time of filing the patent application. As […]

Obama Makes the “America Invents Act” Law

The Patent Reform Bill that everybody has been waiting for has been signed into law. President Obama visited Thomas Jefferson High School For Science and Technology in Alexandria, Virginia, and signed the American Invents Act into law. This bill changes the United States patent system from a “first to invent” system with a “first inventor […]

Patent Reform: “America Invents Act” Almost Law

The Leahy-Smith “America Invents Act” H.R. 1249, was passed by the U.S. Senate on September 8, 2011 and because the House of Representatives passed identical legislation on June 23, the bill will go directly to President Barack Obama to be signed into law. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.),Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee, commented on the final passage […]

Patent Reform: House Passes America Invents Act

On June 23, 2011, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted 304-117 to pass H.R. 1249, a bill sponsored by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas), also known as the America Invents Act, to overhaul to U.S. patent law so as to encourage innovation, job creation and economic growth. “Today’s vote is a victory for […]

Patent Reform Act of 2011…Finally Passed Into Law?

patent reform

Is patent reform really going to happen in June 2011? All indications are that the ongoing patent reform legislation–that has been bantered about for nearly 10 years and presented to lawmakers in five Congressional cycles–is going to be passed this month by the House of Representatives. The US Senate passed its version of patent reform, […]