A Possible Method to Minimize the Cost of Patent Litigation
Patent litigation is often costly and time-consuming. However, the 2011 Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (“AIA”) offers a patent review system called inter partes review that could possibly reduce the cost of patent litigation. Defendants accused of patent infringement can use inter partes review and request the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) to review […]
Patent Invalidation: The Early Bird Gets the Worm

Inventors and manufacturers often hit a roadblock called a patent. A question often asked to a patent attorney is “how can I get a patent invalidated or have a pending patent application rejected by the examiner?” With the enactment of the America Invents Act (AIA) the message to parties looking to invalidate a patent or […]
Patent Reform in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

All the new patent rules didn’t all take effect when on September 16, 2011 President Barack Obama signd Leahy-Smith America Invents Act of 2011 into law. On the one-year anniversary of the act many of the new rules kicked in. The patent and trademark office was put to the task of incrementally placing the rules […]
U.S. Patent Office opening in Detroit, Michigan

The first-ever U.S. Patent and Trademark Office satellite center outside Washington, D.C. just-opened in Detroit, Michigan. While, the America Invents Act (AIA) mandated that at least three satellite patent offices have to be opened the USPTO will open four new offices. The Detroit satellite office is the first of four geographic areas selected by the […]