Patent Reform Act of 2011

The latest patent reform bill entitled “The Patent Reform Act of 2011″ (PDF) , will be introduced to Congress by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), chairman of the Judiciary Committee, on Jan. 25, 2011. Could this be the year it becomes law? The Judiciary Committee has introduced patent reform bills to Congress every year since 2006. […]

Senator Leahy Uses Bilski to Push Patent Reform

In an effort to push forward patent reform,  Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) posted a press release using the highly publicized Supreme Court decision in Bilski v. Kappos (.PDF) as a reason as to why reform is needed. Bilski affirmed a Federal Circuit decision denying a patent for a process for hedging on […]

Patent Reform Act of 2010: An Overview

Is the United States patent system broken and does it need to be fixed? Can our governmental leaders fix the patent system through legislation? Patent reform legislation has been introduced in each of past three Congresses and has yet to be ratified. Through the current Reform Act it is hoped that better patents are issued, […]

Patent Law Reform Act of 2010: Interview with Congressman Lee

What is happening with regard to the Patent Reform Act of 2010? Recently I asked this and other questions to first term Congressman Chris Lee, who represents New York’s 26th Congressional District.  I think it’s important to note that Chris Lee, true to his pro-entrepreneurial stance, has taken the initiative to advocate for Research and […]

The Provisional Patent Application

What Inventors Need to Know… Inventors often ask me “can I get a provisional patent?” But there is no such thing as a “Provisional patent.” A provisional patent application is a patent application that is used by a patent applicant to secure a filing date. A provisional patent application never matures into a patent. And […]

“Patent Reform Act of 2010″ and Best Mode Requirement

The patent reform legislation has been amended and introduced in the Senate as Amendment to S. 515 (“Patent Reform Act of 2010 (.PDF)″). When and if it will ever be enacted is a question in and of itself, however here is my summary of one of the more relevant sections of the proposed patent reform […]

“Patent Reform Act of 2010” and “First Inventor to File” Rule Change

The Patent Reform Act of 2010 was recently made public in the form of an (“Amendment to S. 515”). Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) spoke at an Executive Business meeting (webcast) February 25, 2010 about this amendment to the patent reform act. Leahy stated, “When Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and I started this […]

Patent Reform: Policing Patent Fraud

Guest Blogger: Brendan S. Lillis, Registered Patent Attorney These days, with the average waiting period to hear back from the patent office regarding a new application exceeding three years, the patent office needs all the help it can get. As such, filers of patents are required to disclose all relevant information about prior art that […]

“Patent Reform Act of 2010” and False Marking Rule Change

The latest edition of the proposed patent reform legislation was announced by the leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee on legislation for patent reform. The act is now called the “Patent Reform Act of 2010” and is memorialized in the form of the Manager’s Amendment (“Amendment to S. 515”).   When will this bill become […]