Be Careful Who You Call A Patent Troll

Patent assertion entities or patent trolls are one of the most troublesome entities in the world of business and intellectual property. Although patent trolls own some patents here and there, they generally do not produce and goods or services. Instead, patent trolls use their patents to sue others. Why is this strange? If a business […]

What Exactly is a Patent Troll? What Should You Do if You Come Across One..

A company or person that acquires large amounts of patents while having no desire to develop products. Instead of development, these entities file patent infringement lawsuits against parties who violate the patents. A patent troll’s sole purpose is to identify infringers and engage in litigation.

What is a Patent Troll? A company or person that acquires large amounts of patents while having no desire to develop products. Instead of development, these entities file patent infringement lawsuits against parties who violate the patents.   A patent troll’s sole purpose is to identify infringers and engage in litigation. Why Should You Beware of […]

Recent Settlement Spells Trouble for Patent Trolls

Due to a recent settlement agreement with the Minnesota Attorney General, patent troll MPHJ Technology Investments, LLC has stopped enforcing specific patents within the State of Minnesota. The patents in question taught a commonly used method of the using basic office equipment to scan documents into e-mail. “Patent trolls shake down small businesses to pay […]