Top Patent, Trademark, and IP Stories from Last Week (4/8-4/14/19)

Top Patent Stories April 8th Robert Cerasa

Every week, we will be highlighting the top patent, copyright, trademark, intellectual property, etc. stories of the previous week in our “In Case You Missed It” segment. The list itself is in no particular order and includes a wide range of stories from the patent world that are informative, noteworthy, or just plain bizarre. The […]

Use of surname Piazza as a wine trademark

Bella Piazza

One of the most cherished aspects of Italian culture is the dolce far niente, the art of doing nothing. It is those celebrated moments of smiles and laughter exchange over lingering cups of espresso or glasses (often bottles) of wine, independent of purpose or agenda that delight the heart and nurture the soul. Such moments […]

House of Pancakes Prays for Trademark Help

The International House of Pancakes has a filed (.PDF)a trademark lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles against a Kansas City, Missouri based religious group that calls itself the International House of Prayer over the acronym “IHOP.” The pancake house is going after the church group for trademark dilution and trademark infringement. If you […]

“Burger King” Steals McDonald’s McMuffin Recipe

How do you protect your intellectual property? What is intellectual property? Is a special sandwich that you make better than anybody else intellectual property? Imagine you are the owner of a new restaurant who has created a new edible masterpiece. And subsequently, to your surprise, you discover that a copycat sandwich is being made across […]