Top Patent, Trademark, and IP Stories from Last Week (5/13-5/19/19)

Patent Trademark Copyright IP News

Every week, we will be highlighting the top patent, copyright, trademark, intellectual property, etc. stories of the previous week in our “In Case You Missed It” segment. The list itself is in no particular order and includes a wide range of stories from the patent world that are informative, noteworthy, or just plain bizarre. The […]

“Grumpy Cat” Wins Copyright Infringement Lawsuit


If you spend much time on the internet, you are likely familiar with “Grumpy Cat.” She is the famous feline known for her memes and social media presence, and whose real name is Tardar Sauce. Last week, a California district court decided in favor of Grumpy Cat and her owner, Tabatha Bundesen, in an intellectual […]