Interview with Suphakrit Chongprasankiat Owner of Sopha & Mr. K Best Tailors

Recently in his travels to Chiang Mai, Thailand, Vincent LoTempio had the opportunity to meet with and interview the Co-Founder and Owner of Sopha & Mr. K Best Tailors, Suphakrit Chongprasankiat. Below is Mr. LoTempio’s interview with Suphakrit: What is your name and your business name? Suphakrit Chongprasankiat and my business name is Sopha & Mr. K Best […]

Interview with Robbie Illos-Gerth Owner of

Robbie Illos-Gerth is a Buffalo-based, woman-owned business that specializes in personalized and branded hockey gifts, souvenir mini baseball bats, mini lacrosse sticks, official hockey pucks, custom lapel pins and sport awards. Vince LoTempio recently had the opportunity to interview owner Robbie Illos-Gerth. Robbie is an accomplished graphic designer who has worked with clients such as Disney, […]

Interview with Brian Bischoff Founder of SmartPrint3D

Smart print 3D

Buffalo-based SmartPrint3D is an innovative start-up utilizing cutting-edge 3d printing technology for rapid prototyping as well as product development and design. Vince LoTempio recently had the opportunity to interview SmartPrint3D founder Brian Bischoff. Brian has an impressive background – he has worked as a product developer and engineer for several of Western New York’s most prominent technology companies. […]

Where to Find Public Domain Images

Clients often contact us with questions concerning copyright issues. One common copyright question clients come to us with concerns the images can they use without violating copyright law. Can they use any image they find online with impunity? In short, no. Therefore, in order to avoid copyright issues you should only use images that you […]