Patent searches and Patentability

Thinking about protecting your invention? If you are an inventor, you may have thought about obtaining protection for your invention. But what forms of protection are available to ensure that your invention is protected? One possible form of protection would be acquiring a patent for your invention. A utility patent would grant the patent […]
Entrepreneur Provides Training for Student Technicians

This Monday John Nappa, entrepreneur, and Founder and CEO of CNC Technical Solutions Inc., hosted the Spring 2017 Erie Community College and Genesee Community College Mechatronics Graduation Program, in which CNC Technical Solutions Inc. is partnered. During the graduation, registered patent attorney, Vin LoTempio and other members of the Firm Kloss, Stenger & LoTempio were treated to […]
Interview with Patent Counsel for Estee Lauder: Idris McKelvey

This week, I had the chance to talk with Idris McKelvey, patent counsel for the Estee Lauder company and a dedicated attorney to the Aveda brand. Idris gave me some insight into what he does for the Estee Lauder company and some of his thoughts on the current state of patent law: Q. How […]
A Possible Method to Minimize the Cost of Patent Litigation

Patent litigation is often costly and time-consuming. However, the 2011 Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (“AIA”) offers a patent review system called inter partes review that could possibly reduce the cost of patent litigation. Defendants accused of patent infringement can use inter partes review and request the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) to review […]