Interview with Kae and Cami Creator, Debbie Sullivan

For today’s blog post, we had the opportunity to speak with Kae & Cami creator, Debbie Sullivan. Kae & Cami is, as Debbie describes it on her site, a “patented magnetic jewelry and scarf accessory line that helps fit and style your scarf masks, tops, scarves, pashminas, head wraps, cover-ups, dresses and more.” Recently, the […]
Interview with Thomas J. Colson, Esq.

We had the chance to interview Thomas J. Colson Esq. of Colson Law Group and learn more about his book, “Envy Down: Embrace the Adversity in your Life.” Check the interview out below! What is your name? Thomas J. Colson, Esq.; Colson Law Group I have been an attorney for over 30 years…a field that […]
Interview with Sallye Keith

In this week’s blog post, we had the opportunity to interview the Artist, Sallye Keith. Here’s how it went: What is your name and your business name? Sallye Keith, Artist What is your background and how long have you been involved with this industry? (This question was answered by her Artist Statement) I was born in […]
Interview with Artist Andy Russell

We sat down with LoTempio Law displaying artist Andy Russell to ask him about his background, the inspiration for his work, and his advice for other artists. What are you trying to accomplish as an artist? My artwork is meant to portray perfect worlds of well-being in this hectic world that we live in. They […]
Interview with David Carson

This week, patent attorney Vin LoTempio had a chance to interview David Carson, CEO and founder of Envision Product Development Group. Do you need help manufacturing, marketing and distributing a new product? Are you a novice or an expert? Do you want to make sure you have explored all options before committing to a manufacturer or […]
Interview with The 11 Day Power Play, Inc.

The interview for this week. This week, Vince LoTempio had a chance to interview The 11 Day Power Play, Inc. Here’s how it went: What is the name of your business? Where are you located? What are you trying to accomplish with your venture? The 11 Day Power Play, Inc. is a non-profit 501c3 organization […]
Interview with Maria Cina Harrison; Helping the Children of Vietnam

This week, we had a chance to interview actress, humanitarian and a lifelong student of human behavior, Maria Cina Harrison. She has a very unique project that gives us perspective into another culture. Here’s how it went: What is your project name? The Me & You 4 C’Tu Fund/ The Children Of Vietnam Organization What is […]
Interview with Jeffrey Peter Dickash

This week, Vince LoTempio had a chance to sit down and interview Jeffery Peter Dickash, an artist from New York City. With a passionate outlook to match his vibrant artwork, Jeffrey gave us insight what being a start up is like. Here’s how it went: What is your business name? Artwork by Jeffrey Peter. […]
Interview with Suphakrit Chongprasankiat Owner of Sopha & Mr. K Best Tailors

Recently in his travels to Chiang Mai, Thailand, Vincent LoTempio had the opportunity to meet with and interview the Co-Founder and Owner of Sopha & Mr. K Best Tailors, Suphakrit Chongprasankiat. Below is Mr. LoTempio’s interview with Suphakrit: What is your name and your business name? Suphakrit Chongprasankiat and my business name is Sopha & Mr. K Best […]
Interview with Lori Miller of Developing Professionals

We asked LoTempio Law client Lori E. Miller, owner and creator of Developing Professionals, to speak to us about her business, and the skills that are needed for any successful entrepreneur. What is your background and how long have you been involved with this industry? I worked in media as a journalist, higher education as […]