Recently my first book was published and I became a co-author of the book, “Patent Fundamentals for Scientists and Engineers,” Third Edition.
I sent out press releases announcing the book and was pleasantly surprised to receive some nice coverage in the Buffalo News and other local papers.
Best of all was a great article written by Matt Chandler of biz journals in both the Buffalo Law Journal in the Buffalo Business First.
I would like to thank Matt Chandler for the great article in Business First. In fact my wife was so impressed with the Buffalo Business First article that she presented me a copy of the article embossed in a framed plaque to hang in my office.
Writing the book certainly was a great opportunity for me because I was able to learn more about patent law and share that information with my readers. A big goal in writing the book was to draft it in such a way that the average inventor could easily understand the basic fundamental principles of patent law.
And the book is not limited to only patent law there is an informative chapter about trademarks, trade secrets and copyrights.
But primarily the reader is taught how to identify what is intellectual property and how is it protectable using patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets or even defensive publications. One of the most beneficial things about the book is how it walks the reader through the general process from an idea’s conception to complete protection of it through the proper IP law channels.