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Vincent LoTempio

My mission as an IP Attorney is to help people recognize, protect and profit from their good ideas. As a Registered Patent Attorney based in Buffalo, New York, I focus on all types of Intellectual Property law. As an IP attorney, I file patent and trademark applications in the United States and abroad. I manage large corporate patent and trademark portfolios, and have established associations with hundreds of Intellectual Property law firms around the world. I have extensive experience in patent and trademark prosecution, patent and trademark infringement litigation, trademark registration and copyright registration. Call me TOLL FREE: 1-800-866-0039 to protect your idea today. LoTempio Law Website File A Patent File A Trademark File A Copyright YouTube Twitter

1 Comment

  1. Mark Summerfield
    July 1, 2012 @ 8:58 pm

    As I have recently written on my blog, Bessen and Meurer’s figures and conclusions are highly questionable.
    Their source data suffers from selection bias.
    Their definition of NPE includes individual inventors, universities, and non-competing entities (i.e. operating companies which do generate innovation, but asserting patents outside the area in which they make products and compete).
    There are no error bars (confidence intervals) on their final results, including that $29 billion figure.
    And the numbers just don’t make any sense when you look at them in context. If Besson and Meurer are right, less than 0.1% of US companies are bearing NPE-related patent defence costs amounting to around 10% of the total national R&D spend by all businesses!
    But you can’t fault their knack for PR!