Top Patent, Trademark, and IP Stories from Last Week (1/21-1/27/19)
ICYMI: The Top Patent, Trademark, and IP Stories from Last Week (January 21st-27th, 2019) Every week, we will be highlighting the top patent, copyright, trademark, intellectual property, etc. stories of the previous week in our “In Case You Missed It” segment. The list itself is in no particular order and includes a wide range of […]
Top Patent, Trademark, and IP Stories from Last Week (1/7-1/13/19)

ICYMI: The Top Patent, Trademark, and IP Stories from Last Week (January 7th-13th, 2019) Every week, we will be highlighting the top patent, copyright, trademark, intellectual property, etc. stories of the previous week in our “In Case You Missed It” segment. The list itself is in no particular order and includes a wide range of […]
The Supreme Court & DNA: Winners All Around

The recent Supreme Court ruling about the legality of patenting human DNA was groundbreaking in fields of genetic research, setting the tone for rulings to come. In its decision, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that human genes, even if they are isolated, cannot be patented under 35 U.S.C. §101. Myraid Genetics Inc. held patents […]
Bilski vs. Kappos Decision

To summarize today’s Supreme Court ruling in Bilski (PDF), business method patents remain viable subject matter and the machine-or-transformation test enunciated as the sole test by the Federal Circuit is not the exclusive test, but merely one tool in the Examiner toolbox. The court affirmed that Bilski’s risk-management method was not patentable subject matter. “Indeed, […]
Business method patents…what will the Supreme Court Do?

On November 9, 2009 the Supreme Court heard an oral argument on the appeal from the Federal Circuit of the case of Bilski v. Kappos, wherein the central issue was whether the Federal Circuit erred by holding that a business method patent application based on a “process” must be tied to a particular machine or […]