“Patent Reform Act of 2010” and False Marking Rule Change
The latest edition of the proposed patent reform legislation was announced by the leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee on legislation for patent reform. The act is now called the “Patent Reform Act of 2010” and is memorialized in the form of the Manager’s Amendment (“Amendment to S. 515”). When will this bill become […]
“Patent Marking Police” Looking for the Big Jackpot

Since my recent blog post entitled “Patent Trolls” Search for Falsely Marked Products the ad hoc “patent marking police” have filed at least 17 lawsuits alleging false marking against 33 different companies. This number is an approximation because False Marking suits are not consistently categorized within the federal court system. To see a list of […]
“Patent Trolls” Search for Falsely Marked Products

What a corporation should know about intellectual property law… It is now in vogue for the new breed of “patent troll” to sue corporations in the US Federal Courts on behalf of the government for falsely marking unpatented products with patent registration numbers. Corporations need to be able to identify and protect their intellectual property. […]