Ask the patent attorney series

Recently, I’ve been working on a new website designed to help inventors. The website is called Ever since I started blogging at LoTempiolaw I’ve been learning more and more about social networking and search engine optimization and in an effort to increase the traffic on the webpage I purchased a high definition camera and a green screen and we’ve been shooting videos in my basement.

I’m actually having a lot of fun with the new equipment and not only are we shooting snippets of information about patents and the patent process we just started a new series called “Ask the Patent Attorney.”

In this series I’m looking for comments from inventors and people trying to learn about the patent process. We’ re on our fourth episode now and we’ve received a couple questions from inventors.

In these first episodes I answer many patent related questions that are repeated from inventors that come into my office seeking patent protection. Here’s the third episode below. You can click on the YouTube channel and see all the previous episodes.

This is not the only YouTube channel that I started. As you know from reading the about page in this blog I’m an avid sports fan and I’ve been following the Buffalo Bills since the 1960s.

I’ve always wanted to have a role discussing sports in some fashion and now that I’ve met Nate Lewinski who has directed and produced all of the videos created for the website, we agreed to start our own show about the Buffalo Bills. We call it “Buffalo Bills Second and One” with Vin and Nate.

Here’s a video of our latest episode from the heartbreaking loss in New England on November 11, 2012.

Well that’s not the only video that we created recently. We also helped a tennis pro over at Miller Tennis Center named Wojtek Starakiewicz.

Voytec” recently has started his own YouTube channel called Tennis Voytec where he asks for people to send a video of their tennis shot and he will analyze it for free.

When I saw his show I offered to allow him to use some of our equipment to shoot his introduction and to analyze my tennis shot.

If you have any advice on how I can improve my tennis game please leave a comment below. In the meantime, why don’t you send a video of your tennis shot to Voytec and receive a free analysis from a professional tennis player!

I’m having a lot of fun with this new video system and would like to share my knowledge about patent law by answering any of your questions.

Please comment below with questions about patents and trademarks. I’d be glad to answer your question on the next show.



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Don’t Wait to Protect Your Ideas.