Owner of Mark
Enter the full name of the Applicant, i.e., the name of the individual, corporation, partnership, or other entity that owns the mark, not the person or firm completing the application. If the applicant is an individual, please list as LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL/NAME; e.g., Smith, John A. If a joint venture organized under a particular business name owns the mark, enter that name. If a trust owns the mark, enter the name as "The Trustees of the [specify name] Trust." If an estate owns the mark, enter the name as "The Executors of the [specify name] Estate." If joint or multiple applicants own the mark, enter the name of each of these applicants. If the applicant is doing business as or trading under a different name, enter that information in the following field: DBA/AKA/TA/Formerly.
Identify general partner to sign the application on behalf of partnership
Identify corporate officer to sign the application on behalf of corporation
A corporate officer must sign for a corporation
Identify managing member to sign the application on behalf of LLC
Identify person to sign the application
Identify who will sign the application on behalf of entity
Trademark/ Service Mark
Please indicate the word mark to be registered as a trademark
Please provide a description of the design.
Enter a complete and accurate description of the overall mark; e.g., "a stylized letter C." If the mark image contains both a literal element AND a design element, the description must include both; e.g., "the wording ABC Company in black and a yellow sun," rather than simply "a yellow sun."
Date of first use of mark anywhere
First date of sale of product or service using the Mark
Date of first use of mark in commerce
Date of sale of product or service using the Mark across state lines
specimen of use Please provide a digital specimen of use. A specimen is a real-world example of how the mark is actually used on the goods or advertising the goods or services. Examples of acceptable service mark specimens are signs, photographs, brochures or advertisements that show the mark used in the sale or advertising of the services. Examples of acceptable specimens used on the goods are labels, tags, or containers for the goods.
Please note proper digital file size: JPG image file should be scanned at no less than 300 dots per inch and no more than 350 dots per inch, and within the pixel range suggested by the USPTO, namely, a length and width of no less than 250 pixels and no more than 944 pixels; e.g., a valid pixel dimension is 640 X 480 pixels.
Listing of goods and/or services
Enter the specific goods and/or services associated with the mark
Name of country
Indicate where there has been a foreign filing