Entrepreneur Provides Training for Student Technicians

This Monday John Nappa, entrepreneur, and Founder and CEO of CNC Technical Solutions Inc., hosted the Spring 2017 Erie Community College and Genesee Community College Mechatronics Graduation Program, in which CNC Technical Solutions Inc. is partnered.

During the graduation, registered patent attorney, Vin LoTempio and other members of the Firm Kloss, Stenger & LoTempio were treated to the public unveiling of a system named “Mechatronics Phase 3” for which Nappa filed a business method patent application.

Nappa has extensive entrepreneurial experience in the field, creating CNC Technical Solutions in 2007, and having a previous 15 years of in depth work with computer numerical controls.

The Graduation Program was created out of necessity for expansion in the field of mechatronics in Erie, Genesee, Orleans, Livingston, and Wyoming counties. Nappa ran the program in his CNC facility in Medina, New York, where he helped educate over 42 skilled workers with technical background.


Mechatronics is a field of engineering that encompasses multiple subsets of the industry, including systems engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and telecommunications engineering. It also serves as a process of design for technological advances in the field.

Nappa’s involvement in the program has helped provide training for future entrepreneurs. These young innovators will forge careers in a field that requires bright minds to create resourceful solutions to the problems that they face.

Training that CNC Technical Solutions Provides

The training that they received involved exposure to industrial training systems, which CNC Technical Solutions specializes in. They provide Introductory, Advanced, and Application Specific Training for industrial fields.john nappa cnc

The introductory training provides students with basic level knowledge of the skills needed for basic electrical operations in an industrial setting.

Advanced training provides an expansion of the knowledge acquired in the introductory training, or in previous work experience. This training provides computer numerical controls and programmable logic controls.

For computer numerical controls, they offer exposure to ladder and NC programming as well as systems integration and servo tuning and in programmable logic controls; trainees receive specialization in Allen Bradley ® controls as well as expansion on computer numerical control systems such as ladder logic and conversion and modification services.

The final program, Application Specific Training, offers detailed training for workers with a specific field of expertise.For example, if one machine is a constant problem, CNC will reverse engineer the device and offer detailed plans to address areas of concern to prevent future malfunction.

The biggest lesson we learned is that CNC is good for the economy, good for the area, can provide training for student technicians to be qualified for well-paying jobs without coming out of college with a great amount of debt.  CNC Technical Solutions Inc. is good for America. Thank you John Napa.

Learn more about other Entrepreneurs that have worked with LoTempio

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