Recently Buffalo patent attorney, Vincent LoTempio was a guest columnist for the Buffalo Business First/Buffalo Law Journal and was featured in an article in the Suit Magazine.
The article I wrote for Business First “IP: a ‘weapon’ for all businesses” explores how intellectual property can be used as both the shield and a sword for business.
Protecting patent, trademark and copyright assets is vital to the economic success and survival of any business enterprise.
The article in the Suit Magazine was written by Judy Magness titled “Yes, Virginia, even lawyers can find happiness online.” Judy interview explores how attorneys today are using networking sites such as YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn to promote their law firms.
The Suit Magazine is a hardcopy magazine and webpage that “promotes enterprise through information.”
Magness interviewed both Kevin O’Keefe the CEO and publisher of LexBlog, Inc. and myself for this article.
She observed that “the power of traditional word-of-mouth marketing is a valuable networking tool within the legal profession. As social media emerged, however, both saw the potential to reach people in a way they never could before.”
Thanks to Matt Chandler and Judy Magness for allowing me to share some of my ideas through a couple of great websites.