Trademark law is a staple of any intellectual property attorney’s practice, and should be a topic most independent inventors or business owners are at least familiar with. It is highly likely therefore that these parties will at some point in their ventures have to deal with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB), either to file for intellectual property registration, or to defend intellectual property which has already been registered.
As such the attorneys here at the LoTempio Law Blog thought our readers might like a sneak peek at one of the Law Journal Press new books, Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Practice: A Comprehensive Review, which deals with this practice.
The book was authored by Heather Redmond and Elizabeth Cunningham, and is a comprehensive text on dealing with the TTAB.
The book is divided into chapters which outline specific situations when dealing with Trademark litigation and the TTAB. Some of the subjects covered by the text include:
- Opposition Proceedings
- Cancelation Proceedings
- Concurrent Use Proceedings
- Interface Proceedings
- Ex Parte Appeals
- Inter Parte Appeals
The book breaks these chapters down further into individual sections, each describing the evidence, motions, and actions which need to be taken to complete the above listed proceedings.
Though the writing can at times be a little dense, as is the case with a lot of legal writing, the material is clearly explain and laid out in a clearly understandable manner. As such, the book is an excellent resource for intellectual property attorneys attempting to navigate the litigation process, as well as independent inventor’s attempting to familiarize themselves with issues they may come across in their business ventures.
As is the case with all texts available on the Law Journal Press, the book is available in an online format. This format allows for electronic note taking, highlighting, and various other personal features which serve as excellent researching tools.
Overall, the book is an incredible resource for anyone looking into intellectual property law, and we highly recommend it. I know our copy has already been put to good use!