Steve Jobs revolutionized our world through his inventions. There are very few inventors in the world that give us devices that change the way we live. There are not many households in the world that don’t have some form of technology created by Apple.
My house is littered with almost every generation of iPod, the iPad I and II, Apple TV and a couple laptops made by Apple. I remember my first computer was a Mac in the early 1980s.
Steve Jobs co-founder of Apple passed away at the young age of 56. It makes me consider my mortality. You can have everything in the world but you can’t control your time here.
We all live on the edge of life and death every minute but no one ever considers that death is going to take them away right now. So I try to remind myself to live my life now.
Inventors attempt to come up with ideas to change the world but there are very few people that actually do it.
Steve jobs and Apple revolutionized our world through the electronic devices he and his company invented.
The personal computer. In 1976 the Apple I was one of the first rudimentary computers made available for computer enthusiasts at the cost of $666.66.
Throughout the next 40 years the Apple personal computer evolved to a point where everyone could interact with the computer in our own language in a seamless iconic way.
The iPod forever changed the way we listen to music. It’s iconic commercials of a young person listening to music with the earphone buds and long wire swinging to the music changed the music industry.
The iPad forever changed the way we interact with apps and the endless store of information on the Internet.
I would guess this is just the precursor of screens attached to walls and other devices that we swipe and tap with our fingers to manipulate the electronic images and music and remote control of virtually all electronic devices.
The iPhone the most popular smart phone in the world forever changed the way we communicate with each other.
Steve Jobs has been compared to Edison, da Vinci and all the great inventors of all time and I agree he certainly deserves to go down in history as an iconic figure that changed the world forever.